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Leaves on Trees Framers' Cooperative Society

Leaves on Trees Framers’ Cooperative Society is a Marketing and Business Services Framers’ Cooperative Society with a culture exchange component. Leaves on Trees provides Marketing and Business Services by assisting domestic and foreign framers with the sale of their agriculture products by providing marketing and essential business functions duties


Marketing Co-op

Marketing co-ops assist its members in the marketing of its agriculture products. It may even purchase its members’ agriculture products at the prevailing market price or act as a pooling agency that holds goods until a more beneficial price can be obtained.

Service Co-op

A Service co-op provides services to its members such as dehydrations systems to preserve herbs and Superfoods, housing for workers and or transportation needed to perform their job. Service co-op provides better access to markets and supplies, lower overall production cost, risk mitigation, and democratic management system.

Leaves on Trees Subsidiary company A taste of Africa Marketplace LLC is responsible for advertising and distribution of goods. Leaves on Trees adopts a 4,000-year-old Yorubic Medicinal culture and African Holistic farming practices in its business culture. We utilize methods such as cultivating the soil, harvesting and dehydration techniques. We learn for each other. And in turn, African participates who travel to the United States on a temporary basis learn business skill which enables them to compete internationally upon returning to their home country.

With Covid deaths rising in America and the ever-changing rules, precautions and predictions of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has violated the trust of the American people. Only 44% of Americans trust what the CDC has to say about Covid. In America, 1 out of every 20 people will test positive for Covid; on the continent of Africa...1 out of every 500 people will test positive for Covid. And for the American people these statistics are discouraging and fearful. In the United States alone, just one country the was 977, 687 deaths from Covid. On the continent of Africa comprised of 54 countries the death count is 222,276. In the United States, from 2020 to 2021 we saw triple the number of Covid infections and deaths in this second year of this pandemic. Various pharmaceuticals, medical professionals, laboratories and scientist across the world has not found a solution to these disheartening statistics. These adverse number of cases and deaths warrants an alternative approach from pharmaceuticals and the way we grow and harvest our food.

The African people are not privy to the high-tech medical resources that we are privileged to have in the United Sates, but they have fewer cases of Covid. Their traditional and Holistic lifestyle protects them from Covid. They simply use food for their medicine. And for most faith-based Americans that believe in the bible...Revelation 22:2 states that the healing of the nation is in the leaves of the trees. “ African herbal medicine is commonly called Yorubic or Orisha medicine on the African continent. It started from a religious text, called Ifa Corpus. According to tradition, the Ifa Corpus was revealed by the mystic prophet, Orunmilla, around 4,000 years ago in the ancient city of Ile-Ife, now known as major city in Yorùbáland. The last 400 years saw individuals in the Caribbean and South America practice the Yorubic healing system as a token of their past when the first wave of Stolen Africans arrived in the Americas.” (Wikipedia)

The Ifá Corpus is the foundation of the traditionalist herbology. One major difference between Yorùbá medicine and orthodox medicine is that the former is homeopathic in nature while the latter is allopathic. Allopathic Medicine: Implements the use of pharmacological drugs and other physical interventions to either treat or suppress diseases and health conditions. Homeopathic Medicine: Encourages healing and wellness by examining the root cause of the illness just treating the symptoms. Homeopathic medicine is said to be more concerned with identifying the causes of the illness and disease in effort to restore holistic balance in the biological system. While the claim that allopathic approaches, of which orthodox medicine is a form, is only occupied with getting rid of the symptoms rather than concerned with identifying and removing the causes of illness is not entirely true, homeopathic adherents would suggest that Yorùbá medicine performs three distinct functions:

Getting rid of the symptoms,

Identifying and removing the causes of the illness, and

Maintaining a holistic balance in the patient

Holistic Health

Modern orthodox medicine has a place for this concept whereby all aspects of the patients' needs, psychological, physical and social, and mentally are said to be taken into account and seen as a whole. However, from the Yorùbá viewpoint, traditional Yorùbá medicine further delves into other aspects in terms of the patient's emotional and spiritual balance/imbalance. Yorubic medicine has come to be widely known in Nigeria as the ultimate traditional medical practice due to its holistic approach to treatment.

“In his piece on "Yorùbá Culture" Kola Abimbola stipulates that in order to achieve a holistic healing through Yorùbá medicine, some certain conditions must hold. For instance, the medical practitioner would be interested in the spiritual causes of the illness. To do this, there is the need for the understanding of the constitution of man. For him, a person has two parts which he describes as "the body" and "the soul".

Taking into account one's body, mind, emotions, and spiritual life, holistic health combines the best of modern diagnosis and monitoring techniques with both ancient and innovative health methods. These can include natural diet and herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, exercise, relaxation, psycho-spiritual counseling, meditation, breathing exercises, and other self-regulatory practices. It addresses not only symptoms, but the entire person, and his or her current life predicament, including family, job, and religious life. It emphasizes prevention, health maintenance, high-level wellness and longevity. It views the client as an active participant in the healing process, rather than simply a passive recipient of "health care." At once personal, ecological, and transcultural, herbalism has become the new health paradigm for the 21st century.[8]” (Wikipedia).

It is imperative that the African people teach us Americans how to achieve wellness through traditional herbalist practices. Leaves on trees is a Non –Profit framers Cooperative with a culture exchange component. Leaves on Trees works closely with its Subsidiary ‘ A taste of Africa Marketplace LLC’ to implement this culture exchange. African participants travel to America on a non- immigrant temporary visa. The African people will teach us their framing techniques, culture traditions and medical remedies that has been passed down through folklore and oral traditions. They will earn wages and be hired at A taste of African Marketplace LLC based on their talents and abilities. They will be provided shelter and transportation to and from home and the jobsite. And in turn African participants will have on the job training learning international business skills like cooperate accounting, logistics and customers service skills. They will take these skills back to their home country and be in a better position to compete in business internationally. We will learn from each other.

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